Friday, September 11, 2009

A Reasonable Man

So, Tim Pawlenty, Republican Governor of Minnesota, has received a bit of attention today. Here's Steve Benen's take. Apparently he was asked about 'Death Panels' a grand total of four times today by a VERY patient reporter. Eventually he walked back his comments a bit, but he started out very much in favor of the Death Panels. You know, it's that secret plan of Obama's to turn the U.S. into some kind of real-life working model of Logan's Run. 

Now, I am personally against the Death Panels, have been since the beginning, despite all the tireless efforts of the 'Death Panel' accusers to try and prove how much the planet would improve if they were put in front of said panels and received a Nay vote. 

However, my personal opinions aside, here is the main point. Pawlenty is considered a Reasonable Conservative and even he has to pander to this shit. If you read his post, Steve Benen says he almost feels sorry for Pawlenty having to speak things he almost certainly thinks are untrue just so he doesn't have to annoy the morons who make up his base. 

Personally, I don't know how to feel. I certainly don't feel sorry, though. Obviously all politicians lie, you have to. And the bigger the office the more you have to lie, but it doesn't really invoke my sympathies. It's the nature of the job, and it's one thing to tell a stretcher, another thing to change your mind, and quite another to just fucking lie outright. But the amount of shit you have to swallow to appease the Republican base these days really is astounding. Basically you can't agree with Obama in any way, shape or form or you're a traitor. That's a tough position to be in, especially because Obama is often fairly reasonable. 

Well, it's a rough life if you want to be President, and Pawlenty might just be enough of a lying, dithering fuck to make it. Good luck to you, sir.


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