Thursday, September 3, 2009

Alternate Realities

There was something else that struck me in Mr. Taranto's post (see my previous). Of course, he states it in the most douche-baggy way possible. (Again, see my previous post where I prove, conclusively, that Mr. Taranto is, for the time being, a douche-bag.) He writes:

The Post is right to say the debate is "irresolvable." History does not allow for controlled experiments, so there is no way of knowing if innocent Americans would in fact have been killed in terrorist attacks had the CIA treated KSM with TLC, as now seems to be U.S. policy under the Obama administration.

 Ok, let's deal with a couple points here. First, KSM, the 9-11 mastermind, is a douche-bag on a level that Mr. Taranto can only dream and, I'm thinking, perhaps cannot comprehend. KSM is a fuck, a delusional fuck, a religious shitbag that deserves any and everything he has coming to him. And somehow, we made this guy somewhat sympathetic. Why? Because we waterboarded him to within an inch of his life... Almost 200 Times. We damn near killed this fucker, and had we done that what would we have done without all the information he allegedly started spouting after the 186th trip to the waterboard?

I want to ramble on about the douche-baggy phrase 'kids-gloves' (again, OBAMA WILL KILL US ALL), but I'll digress. Anyway, he is right to say, to a certain degree, that this is an insolveable debate, using his VERY narrow definition. What he is asking is did the policies of Bush/Cheney prevent an attack on Actual US soil. After all, the only human lives Republicans give a shit about seem to be American lives, even though we're all humans. This is a distinction I try not to make, and yet I somehow remain proud of my country and happy that I live here. But, we don't know. Would the Gore administration have prevented 9-11 altogether? Would Bush/Cheney have been able to prevent any further terrorist attacks without the harsh techniques? We actually don't know. (Though I have theories.)

But, in another context I've wished we had this ability. Not just for Terror subjects, but just in general. Lately a lot of idiot Republicans (Cantor, Jindal, McConnell, I'm looking at you) have been publicly criticizing the stimulus plan, but going around their respective states, praising and taking credit for jobs created by stimulus funds, but not mentioning the Stimulus. Some people might find this hypocritical. Not me; I find it fucking, psychotically hypocritical.

But, I do wish we received feeds from FOX, MSNBC, and CNN from a parallel dimension. I wish they were on Cable channels 501-503.  I wish the feed was from a dimension in which John McCain won the election. I wish this feed was from a dimension where he followed through on his campaign promises. I wish it was from the dimension where the Republicans followed through on their insane idea of a 5 year federal government spending freeze. I'd love to see that dimension where Republicans, in the shape the party is in now, had control for another Four years after the Bush Debacle. I'd feel sorry for those other dimensional sons-of-bitches, but I'd love to have a concrete frame of reference.

I think, had we these channels, it would shoot Obama's approval rating into the 80s. Unfortunately, we don't. So preach on Mr. Taranto, we're a captive audience, I guess.


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