Monday, September 14, 2009

Damn Dirty Hippies, Pt. 1

So, the 9-12 Rally really brought out true beliefs of the Wingnuts, not that they were that far below the surface to begin with. Here's this from Gateway Pundit. Basically it's Dirty Hippies vs. Krinkly Klean Konservatives... wait, Oh, that was so not fair of me.

So, the post shows a picture of the Washington Mall after the 9-12 protest, and I have to say, they were very clean people, which is a good thing. And then he (she?) runs several pictures of DC after the Obama rally and the place is pretty much trashed. Of course, there actually WERE a Million Plus people at Obama's Inauguration, not the Pretend Million at the 9-12 Protest. Now, I don't want to belittle the 9-12 Protest, but Gateway's bringing it up. They had a good turn out, crazy people unite! I'm a liberal, protest is American, even if you don't really have a coherent agenda... or worldview. But, you know, there really WERE a Million+ people at the Obama rally, the logistics are a bit different. Anyway, here's Nate Silver's take on the Disappearing 1.5 or so million people.

Seriously though, my gentle readers, I implore you, take a quick breeze through the comments. Oh, hell, let me play you some of my favorites:

That pretty much sums up the differences. Our mothers made us clean up after ourselves and taught us to treat others as we would have them treat us. Something about a "golden rule"...
Hey! I know the 'golden rule', that's why I've never locked up anyone indefinitely without trial and/or hooked a car battery to anyone's testicles. Golden Rule, Baby!

It's a matter of maturity. Liberalism is a form of delayed adolescence.
Heh. Can't really argue with this one. Speaking for myself, of course.

Great comparison. I bet their brains are as dirty and filthy too. Lol
I certainly hope so! ROTFLMFAO! 

The mess pretty much sums up the Obama Presidency.
Or, you could view it as the mess left at the tail-end of the Bush Presidency. 

Seriously, check it out. I love these people. Absolutely hilarious.


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