Thursday, August 13, 2009

Nothing for Nothing

So, the living will consultation provision is out of the health care bill. Good job, Wingnuts! Way to make things worse! Again! You must all be so fucking proud! You can read about this news pretty much anywhere, but for the full flavor of paranoia with just a soupcon of psychosis you have to check out the comments at Michelle Malkin

Anyway, I don't know WHY Democrats do this shit. To recap, a perfectly reasonable provision is added to a bill, Living Wills are a good thing, and as with most good things, providing funds and encouragement (though I'm not sure encouragement was included in the Bill) to do good things is not bad. So, good provision added to the bill. Then Prominent Republicans, I'm looking at YOU, Sarah, make up ridiculous lies about the provision, I believe the phrase "Death Panels" was thrown around. The Sheep bought it and went to town halls to throw Hissy Fits, Fox News reports it as gospel, and... Surprise, Surprise, the Democrats take out the good provision in order to... WHAT?! 

Seriously, What!? They are not going to get ONE vote, nobody who is against heathcare believes the Dems are acting in good faith anyway, so WHAT exactly do they hope to accomplish by caving?

One thing I grudgingly admire about Republicans is they will fight to the death for what they believe even when what they believe is proven tragically and factually wrong. I mean, this is also why I can't stand Republicans, but a bit more of that sort of spine from the Dems would work wonders. But, no, they want Chuck Grassley to think we're all friends. Fucking idiots. So now, once again, the HealthCare bill is weakened for No Reason Whatsoever. Good job, fucknuts.


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