But, secondly, and more importantly, the Left Press does NOT get to lie. Often, the Right treats the mere expression of an opinion with a Liberal bent as Lying, which is why it is especially important that Liberals fact check their shit before presenting anything. (Just ask Dan Rather, not that I consider him a lefty, but he certainly said something naughty about the Chimp.) Now, I personally do not have to worry about this as I pass only opinion and very little fact. But mainstream press outlets do have to worry about it. And if MSNBC wants to fashion itself as a Liberal response to Fox, (which incidentally will be slow going as long as Big Joe is on every fucking morning) they are going to have to make sure this shit doesn't happen. So, if a Nut shows up at a town hall meeting with a gun and he's black don't just try to push the convenient 'Racist' theme, no matter how true or deserved; push the Nuts theme. Nuts come in all sizes, shapes and colors. It's a great country.
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