So, once again a Republican political newbie has been thrust into the spotlight and Surprise Surprise.... he has mail! It seems the good registered Republican citizens of my current home state saw fit to elect as their Gubernatorial representative a man who enjoys sending around racially insensitive e-mails. And, somehow That's a big story. You know, at this point find me a Republican candidate that HASN'T forwarded around the Obama in a pimp suit e-mail and I'll be fucking stunned. But, our good friend Paladino doesn't stop there. Nope, apparently, he also enjoys sending around the occasional bestiality e-mail. (But HEY, we've all been there, amirite?)
Now, to just ignore for a moment the racist thing, can I ask the citizens who voted for this guy, 'Seriously.......... HORSE PORN!?' I realize politics is a dirty business, and sometimes you got to hold your nose and vote, but HORSE PORN? Jeezus fucking Christ. Horse Porn. (I don't know that it's horses, I don't want to know. Jesus.) This is just ridiculous. And, let's Really think about this. In order for Paladino to get to the point where he's forwarding the Horse Porn one of two things is happening (perhaps both) and a third thing is definitely happening. First, he's got friends who think it's cool to forward Horse Porn, and, more specifically, think Paladino is someone who would enjoy receiving the Horse Porn. OR Paladino's finding the Horse Porn himself for the purpose of enjoying/forwarding. And third he has friends that enjoy, or Paladino at the least thinks they might enjoy, receiving Horse Porn.
People who voted for this reprobate should be fucking ashamed. For the rest of your lives, each one of you should be looking in your bathroom mirror, saying, "I voted for a guy who forwards horse porn. What the fuck is wrong with me?" Seriously, is Rick Lazio that bad? Or do these people hate the WTC Mosque of DEATH that much? I guess so.
But, in fairness to Paladino, I get it. He's in construction. He's upstate. He's in politics. Let's face it, he's probably got some weird friends. Maybe he's known them since high school. That Danny Joe, he's always been a little weird, I heard he mutilates squirrels, but you know, there's history. And sometimes he sends horse porn. And, really, once something is in your inbox... Well, it's just fucking RUDE to not forward it around. I mean, who doesn't want a bit of horse porn in their inbox now and again.
Seriously. People voted for this guy. Idiots.
Update: I see from TPM it really was horse porn, but who knows what else this guy forwards around. Go ahead, send him whatever goat fucking pictures you have, chances are he'll ship it right off to all his buddies. And you might get a little something in your inbox in return.